# Submit this list to the download facility and get information such as number of chains, symmetry, etc ... 5kcw_2 4iv2_2 4iw8_1 5kcd_1 4iw8_2 4iv4_2 5kcf_1 4iui_2 5wgq_2 5kcw_1 4iw6_2 5kd9_2 5wgq_1 5wgd_1 5kcu_1 5kcd_2 5wgd_2 4iwc_1 4iv2_1 4iu7_2 4ivy_1 5kcc_2 4iui_1 5kct_1 5dxb_2 4iwf_2 5kcc_1 4iwf_1 4ivw_1 5kd9_1 5kcf_2 4ivy_2 4iv4_1 5kct_2 4iu7_1 4ivw_2 4iw6_1 5kcu_2 4iwc_2 5dx3_1